We are so pleased to hear that this new research study is getting underway! The study aims to better understand the experiences of parents:

- who have a preterm infants who has been in a NICU;

- gain the perspectives of parents re the care provided to their infant (what was helpful and what was not/barriers); and

- be able to address any items or concerns that reoccur following all interviews to improve the current services provided at KEMH.

Sharing your experience may results in real change for others in the future!

The inclusion criteria is:

- Infant was in a Perth-based NICU and was preterm;

- Participants live in Perth;

- Interviews are with the mothers, fathers or primary care-givers of the pre-term infants; and

- the preterm infant is less than 18 months old now.

The interviews:

- should take ~20-30 minutes

- in-person interview

- conducted at a public place of convenience (e.g. park or cafΓ©) but not in their home

- anonymous and confidential

- will have the opportunity to review the transcript when completed

- following the interview the participant will be given a $25 gift voucher to offset any expenses incurred as a result of the interview (eg travel etc).

If you are interested in taking part please contact Rebecca. She can’t wait to hear from you :)

Bedrest Care Packages

Did you know that we can accept donations of any of the following items for our Bedrest Care Packages:

  • roll on deodorant

  • single packaged toothbrush

  • toothpaste

  • hand cream

  • ear plugs

  • eye mask

  • A5 notebook

  • lip balm

  • travel sized hand sanitiser

  • face wipes

  • travel shampoo & conditioner

Bedrest Care Packages are provided to pregnant women admitted to hospital in Perth who need to go on bedrest to prolong their pregnancy.  For many this is an emergency situation, they may have been flown to Perth via RFDS or come by ambulance and have only the clothes they are wearing.  These packs provide them with the necessary supplies for a hospital stay along with support materials like our publication β€˜Hope - a guide to surviving bedrest’.

Next time you’re doing your food shop pop and extra item or two in your trolley, donate them and support a Mum in need πŸ’œ 

Items can be dropped in to our drop off points, bought to our Coffee Mornings or mailed in.  If you are doing a workplace or school collection please contact us for collection and appropriate recognition.  Thank you πŸ™ŒπŸ»

July Coffee Morning


Find your tribe.  Our coffee mornings are a great way to connect with others in the community walking a similar path, or who've travelled that path already.  Discussing all things pregnancy, birth and beyond.  Our July coffee morning will take place at Zamia Cafe, Kings Park on Monday July 26 from 10am. Crafty Creators are very welcome to bring along any items to drop off. Everyone is welcome πŸ’œ

Parking at King Eddies

The City of Subiaco Council are meeting tonight to discuss making available an additional 20 Early Bird parking passes for NICU families at King Eddies. This would double the number of available passes from 20 to 40.

If you have been impacted by parking restrictions surrounding KEMH we would encourage you to write to Council today and share:

  • what impact did the need to move your car have on your family?

  • what difference would a parking pass make, or have made, to your family during your NICU admission?

It is important to note that this motion will not increase the number of cars parking in the vicinity of KEMH, nor will it increase the number of bays available. This motion will simply ensure you will not be fined if you over stay in designated areas, thus reducing the need to leave NICU in order to move your car to comply with 3 hour parking limits.

Please have your say by emailing Council:


Join us at the Council Meeting this evening to make a statement (rate payers) or as a question (visitors to the city).

Together we can make a difference!

Jump into June with Tiny Sparks

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With the weather cooling off it’s time to get your body moving!  Jump into June with Tiny Sparks.  Each day has a small fitness challenge to undertake, no prior exercise experience necessary, although you should always clear it with your doctor before embarking on a new exercise regime.  If you are a more seasoned campaigner there is something for you too!  We encourage you to get your entire family involved.

With some of our usual fundraising fun runs cancelled again this year we would love for you to set up a fundraising page and have your friends and family sponsor you to keep you motivated to complete the challenges each day.

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Let’s get started!

  1. Join our Jump into June Facebook Group to stay motivated throughout the challenge.

  2. Set up a fundraising page through Just Giving here: (If you don’t want to fundraise that’s ok too, consider making a personal donation instead.)

  3. Share your fundraising page with your friends and family, remind them that it’s tax deductible and the end of financial year is fast approaching.

  4. Stay connected throughout June by posting in the group and sharing to your social media.

  5. Make sure you use #tinysparkswa

By joining the Jump into June challenge you’ll be helping us to raise awareness in the community, work toward raising your personal fitness level and raise much needed funds to keep our programs going in 2021 and beyond.