We are so pleased to hear that this new research study is getting underway! The study aims to better understand the experiences of parents:

- who have a preterm infants who has been in a NICU;

- gain the perspectives of parents re the care provided to their infant (what was helpful and what was not/barriers); and

- be able to address any items or concerns that reoccur following all interviews to improve the current services provided at KEMH.

Sharing your experience may results in real change for others in the future!

The inclusion criteria is:

- Infant was in a Perth-based NICU and was preterm;

- Participants live in Perth;

- Interviews are with the mothers, fathers or primary care-givers of the pre-term infants; and

- the preterm infant is less than 18 months old now.

The interviews:

- should take ~20-30 minutes

- in-person interview

- conducted at a public place of convenience (e.g. park or cafΓ©) but not in their home

- anonymous and confidential

- will have the opportunity to review the transcript when completed

- following the interview the participant will be given a $25 gift voucher to offset any expenses incurred as a result of the interview (eg travel etc).

If you are interested in taking part please contact Rebecca. She can’t wait to hear from you :)