Containers for Change

Recently the State Government launched the Containers for Change initiative to encourage recycling of single-use plastic and glass containers. We have registered to participate in this initiative which means that when you return your eligible containers you can choose to donate some or all of the proceeds to Tiny Sparks! Simply quote our Scheme ID: C10333945.

As a 100% volunteer-run organisation every dollar makes a difference to the lives of others. We truly appreciate your support!

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Neonatal November Bingo!


Bingo! All year we have been hearing how this year is one like no other! COVID has certainly had an impact across all areas of life, our organisation included. With grant funds being increasingly competitive, cash donations dwindling and the cost of living going up we are making a few changes to ensure we remain sustainable and can continue to grow and support more families.

Each month we will be posting a Bingo, this is a list of items that you can purchase and donate, all of which will be distributed through our programs. We would love for you to complete a row, column or entire Bingo but even one item will go a long way to helping!! You can mail in your item/s or drop them off to one of our collection points. You could also purchase online and have it mailed directly to us. Send us a message if you need more info. We truly appreciate your support πŸ™ŒπŸ»πŸ’œ

Urgent Survey Response Required

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Research shows that 25-50% of school-aged children who were born very preterm have had at least one occurrence of wheeze, excessive cough and/or exercise limitation in the past 12 months. If you are the parent or carer of a child born very preterm, the Children’s Lung Health Team at Telethon Kids Institute would love to hear about your experiences in this quick poll! Just 3 yes/no questions to answer.

Your answers will help them understand what they should focus on to make things better for the preterm community.

Light it up Purple 2020

Each year we co-ordinate purple lighting throughout WA to join the wave of light sweeping the globe on World Prematurity Day, to shine a light on the global issue of preterm birth, affecting some 15 million annually. We would encourage you to get out and about on 17 November. Take some photos with your families and don’t forget to tag us so that we can share through our channels @tinysparkswa

Venues joining us to β€˜Light it up Purple’ include:

  • Scarborough Beach Amphitheatre*

  • Perth Cultural Centre near James St Amphitheatre*

  • Parliament House

  • Mandurah Bridge

  • Council House

  • Yagan Square including water feature*

  • Bell Tower

  • Perth Concert Hall*

  • Perth Children’s Hospital*

  • Busselton Civic Centre*

  • King Edward Memorial Hospital

  • Trafalgar Bridge, East Perth

  • Broome Water Tower*

  • Optus Stadium

  • Matagarup Bridge

  • Perth General Post Office*

  • Elizabeth Quay

  • SJOG Hospital Bunbury*

  • ECU Joondalup*

  • Mount Street Bridge*

  • Sky Ribbon*

  • Graham Farmer Freeway Tunnel*

(* denotes first time participation in 2020)

We truly appreciate the regional shires who have embraced this opportunity! Broome, Mandurah, Busselton, thank you so much!!

Don’t forget to share your story with your family and friends throughout Neonatal November.

Thank you for your generous support!
