November Coffee Morning

We welcome you to join us for a cuppa and chat on Monday November 2 at The Boatshed Cafe, South Perth foreshore from 10am to 11:30am. This is an opportunity to get together to connect and chat about high-risk pregnancy, bedrest, the neonatal unit and the challenges our 'tiny sparks' face when growing up. Everyone is welcome. Please look for our mascot Hopper and our sign on the table. Crafty Creators are also most welcome to attend and pass along any of their items in person. Please RSVP via our Facebook event page so that we can keep an eye out for you.


Kalparrin needs your input

Our friends at Kalparrin need your help!

10 minutes is all it will take. If you are a Kalparrin member (it’s free!) and can help them out, they’d love to hear from you so that they can continue to review and refine the services and support that they bring to the community. Your opinion is KING so please, if you can, spend 10 minutes to tell them what you need by completing the survey. It will help them shape the future of the Kalparrin Community.

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Telethon Kids Institute Connect Launch

We were delighted to attend the launch of CONNECT at Telethon Kids Institute this evening.


We heard from Anne McKenzie about her vision for consumer engagement and the CONNECT program. Prof Jonathan Carapetis Executive Director explained he knew from the start how essential it is to partner with consumers. Prof Fiona Stanley shared her extensive experience connecting with consumers and how she began a SANDS group in her lounge room.


Catherine Hughes shared a consumer perspective, her story and the mutual benefit she has gained by being involved with Telethon Kids. Cath was the first to join CONNECT and sign the member agreement.


Closely followed by our Cofounder Amber. Amber contributes to Telethon Kids as Chair of the Preterm Consumer Reference Group, on the Steering Committee for the Wal-yan Respiratory Centre and in other working groups ensuring the views of the preterm community are heard. She works closely with Co-Head of the Children’s Lung Health Team Dr Shannon Simpson, pictured.


We wish to congratulate Telethon Kids on the launch of this truly incredible program and we encourage everyone interested in research to sign up. They are to be commended for their efforts to engage consumers, listen deeply and change the future so we can all raise happy, healthy kids!

October Coffee Morning

We welcome you to join us for a cuppa and chat on Monday October 5 at Waldecks Kingsway, 173 Wanneroo Road, Kingsway from 10am to 11:30am. This is an opportunity to get together to connect and chat about high-risk pregnancy, bedrest, the neonatal unit and the challenges our 'tiny sparks' face when growing up. Everyone is welcome. Please look for our mascot Hopper and our sign on the table. Crafty Creators are also most welcome to attend and pass along any of their items in person. Please RSVP via our Facebook event page so that we can keep an eye out for you.

2020 Christmas Quilt Drive

We’ve had lots of enquiries and we are pleased to inform you all that our Christmas Quilt Drive is on again for 2020! Recipient families have told us just how much it means to them to come into the unit on Christmas morning and see all of the stockings and quilts. Knowing that strangers out there understand what they are going through, and showing just how much the community cares.

This year we are hoping to receive 120 Christmas Stockings for King Edward Memorial Hospital and 135 Christmas Quilts which will be distributed to other hospitals all over Western Australia. We work closely with recipient hospitals to ensure they receive what they need at Christmas time, to support their families in the best way possible. It is therefore important that your donation comes through us for co-ordinated distribution.

You will find all of the instructions for these items below. Please read right to the end to cover all of the instructions and FAQs from past years.

Thank you so much for your continued support!

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Christmas Quilted Stockings

We are grateful to Amy Smart who blogs at Dairy of a Quilter for providing permission for us to use her 'Easy Quilted Stocking Tutorial'. You can find the instructions to make your Christmas Quilted Stocking here.

Christmas Quilts for Tiny Sparks WA

This pattern was kindly designed by Jill of Patchwork Place in Albany. You can download the instructions here, or find them below.

Size 16" x 24"
41 cm x 61 cm


Piece backing approx. 18" x 26"  (45cm x 65 cm) - white or cream
Piece 100% cotton light weight batting/wadding same size as backing piece.
Small amounts of Christmas coloured fabrics.


Any basic 4"  or  8" block pattern

No borders.
Keep blocks simple.
Avoid using yellow or gold.
Use conventional quilt binding or a commercial satin or pre-made binding or finish by β€œbagging” then turning through to right side. Top stitch around edge if using last method.
100% cotton fabrics (though not essential) are easier to work with.

A - Basic 4" Block - Total of 24 squares cut 4 Β½" x 4 Β½ "  in Christmas colours

  1. Arrange design into 6 rows of 4

  2. Join together into rows with ΒΌ " seam.

  3. Press seams in row 1 to the right, in row 2 to the left, row 3 to the right etc

  4. Join the rows together.

Basic 4" Block - 2 alternative designs

Basic 4" Block - 2 alternative designs


B - Basic 8" Block - Cut 6 squares 8 Β½" x 8 Β½ "in at least 2 Christmas colours.

  1. Sew into 3 rows of 2.

  2. Press seams in alternating directions then join rows together.

Basic 8" Block

Basic 8" Block


Finishing Quilts

Finished Quilt created by Jill of Patchwork Place, Albany

  1. Lay the backing right sides down, place the wadding on top and finally the pieced top right sides up. Pin together and quilt.

  2. Prepare binding by joining the 2 bits end to end with a mitred (angled) seam.

  3. Press in half lengthways. Sew onto the right side of the quilt having ALL raw edges level. Mitre the corners as you sew.

  4. Trim off the excess from the edges.

  5. Handstitch the folded edge of binding over onto the back of the quilt.

Frequently Asked Questions

  1. How many items will you need? - We will need 120 quilted stockings and 130 quilts to mail out across 20 neonatal units statewide so that every baby in a Neonatal Unit on Christmas Day receives a gift.

  2. Can I deviate from the instructions/patterns/specifications? – No, we ask that you follow the instructions carefully. They have been set out for a reason. The hospitals have very specific guidelines about what can be around the babies in the NICU and SCN. In particular please ensure the backing for your quilt is white or cream.

  3. What material should I use? – Quilting fabric, 100% cotton (or very close please). No flannel.

  4. Should I prewash the material? – Either way is fine please.

  5. What cotton should I use? - Cotton or poly/cotton blend is fine.

  6. What designs can the material have? – Anything that is in the Christmas spirit, please make sure the design is child appropriate. The backing for your quilt must be white or cream.

  7. Can I add a personal touch to the stocking? – Yes! Embroidery and applique is fine.

  8. Can I add my name, sewing tag to the stocking/quilt? – Yes, we just ask that you keep it small.

  9. Can I contact you to make some other arrangements? Given the volume of donations we handle we cannot make individual arrangements for face to face delivery, however we do have several drop off locations. Please email for the addresses.

  10. Will I get a personalised response about my donation? We will attempt to acknowledge all donations sent in, although we are only able to do so if you provide us with your name and email address clearly written inside your package. We are unable to mail a response due to limited resources. Please allow 6-8 weeks for us to acknowledge any items posted or hand delivered.

  11. How many stockings/quilts can I make? – We would prefer that each person make no more than 10 items each.

  12. What else can I sew for you? – We need sewers and knitters all year round. If you’d like to help further, please see the details here.

  13. Can I just drop my donation off directly to a hospital? - No, please do not drop your donation off at a hospital. We take a co-ordinated approach to ensure the needs of each hospital are met.

When and how can I get my donation to you?

  1. We require all donations by Friday November 27, 2020. This will enable us time to sort and send out donations statewide. Any donations received after this time will be put aside for next year.

  2. You can post your Christmas items to us at:
    Tiny Sparks WA, PO Box 1114, West Leederville WA 6901, Australia
    Please include your name and an e-mail address printed clearly inside your parcel.

  3. Can you collect my quilt when I am finished? - No, we are a small team of volunteers and unable to collect your donation.

  4. I don't want to mail my donation, how can I get it to you? - Please e-mail for metropolitan drop off locations.


If you have a question that has not been answered above, please email us at  We will do our best to respond as quickly as we can.  Please keep in mind that we are all volunteers and this is a large project to manage so it may take a few days for us to get back to you.

We are so very grateful for your support and thank you for your time and energy in helping us to make Christmas in the Neonatal Unit a special time for our families.