Partnership with Little Things for Tiny Tots

Earlier this year we put a call out to all of our generous knitters and sewers to let them know we had a new project, snuggly baby wraps.  Shortly after we were contacted by Little Things for Tiny Tots another local, volunteer run, not-for-profit who put together new baby boxes for those in need.  They had some surplus wraps they wanted to donate to us and thus the partnership was born.

Little Things for Tiny Tots are going to donate wraps to us that are in excess of their needs on an ongoing basis.  From time to time we also receive donations which fall outside of our scope and will now be able to feed those items through to them.

We are delighted to come together with Little Things for Tiny Tots for the benefit of the WA community!  You can find out more about them and show some support by 'Liking' their Facebook page.

Wow, what a donation!  Amber's height in wraps!  That's 6 nappy boxes full of wraps!

The contents of just one nappy box, so generous!

2017 Quiz Night Excitement

We had a fantastic turnout to our 3rd annual Tiny Sparks Quiz Night held on Saturday 13 May at the Stirling Adriatic Centre.  Our MC Russell did an awesome job keeping the crowd of over 100 entertained, and engaged in some curly questions throughout the evening.

Thanks to generous donors some truly amazing prizes were won including an overnight stay at Rendezvous Hotel!



The fun didn't stop with quiz questions and continued with side games like the paper plane contest bringing out the competitive streak in all.





Please show your support to our generous sponsors and donors -

Thank you all so much for making this a successful evening for Tiny Sparks WA.  We are delighted to announce we raised just over $4,500 which will be directed back to the WA community through our programs.

Mother's Day 2017

Mother's Day is such a special day for women everywhere.  It is an acknowledgement of the amazing role women play in their families as a Mother.  For some they will be spending this special day in hospital alongside their 'tiny spark'.  To bring some joy to what is no doubt a difficult time we have sent out some 200 gifts state wide, for those families spending Mother's Day in a neonatal unit.  Each gift includes a beautiful card with room for the neonatal nurses to stamp babies hand and foot prints and also some super cute tiny baby feet cookie cutters.  For many of these Mum's it will be their very first Mother's Day and we really hope they can treasure their gift for years to come.

Happy Mother's Day to all Mum's from the team at Tiny Sparks WA.

National Volunteer Week 2017

Volunteering Australia is celebrating National Volunteer Week and we are too.

As a 100% volunteer run organisation Tiny Sparks WA are dependent on the generosity of our community to deliver our programs.

To everyone who makes a contribution either big or small we are so very grateful and our community thanks you!  From those who Like and Share on Facebook, those who knit and sew, those who volunteer at our events and those who volunteer their time on the Board of Tiny Sparks, you all make a valuable contribution.

Volunteering is...

  • a healthy lifestyle choice
  • a true community builder
  • one of the strongest predictors we have of increasing our health and happiness

Shopnate - Raise money for Tiny Sparks by shopping online

Imagine being able to make a donation to Tiny Sparks WA every time you shop online and at no extra cost to you. Well that’s exactly how Shopnate works.

Shopnate works with hundreds of big name Australian and international online retailers. They have all agreed to donate a commission on every online sale. This commission is already included in the price of what you’re buying. This means you can support us, at no extra cost to you.

Why would you just shop when you can Shopnate?

It’s simple and it’s free to get started!

1) Click to join Shopnate.

2) Select Tiny Sparks WA as your charity of choice.

3) Visit Shopnate every time you go to shop online, raising extra funds for Tiny Sparks WA, it's free, and it really is that simple!

Thanks for your support!