Developmental Playgroup Term 2 2017 Enrolments Open

Tiny Sparks WA  is pleased to open enrolments for our 'Developmental Play Group' for Term 2, 2017.

Who: Children 6 months to 36 months

When: Wednesdays 10:15 am - 11:45 am

Where:  Meerilinga Children and Family Centre Cockburn

Dates: 26 Apr, 10 May, 24 May, 7 Jun, 21 Jun

Cost: $45 per term

What: Physiotherapy, Speech Pathology and Occupational Therapy visiting at every session on a rotational basis. An opportunity for children to be monitored within a small group setting and for parents who have experienced similar journeys to meet in a safe environment with a strict wellness policies.  Places are limited to 12. Acceptance of enrolment is first in first served.

Click through to our webstore to secure your child's place.

Snuggly Baby Wraps

Calling all sewers!!!

As most of you know one of the main projects that Tiny Sparks WA delivers to the community is our care packs. We distribute approximately 400 Neonatal Unit care packs per year to hospitals in Western Australia, which means that all babies born under 1.5 kilos receive a pack with the essentials mum will need over the first weeks during the Neonatal Unit stay. 

One of the items we include is a baby wrap which mum can use for kangaroo care or while expressing or as a baby blanket when bub has left the Neonatal Unit. Unfortunately, due to some price rises, we are faced with removing items from our care packs or asking our loyal sewers to help us supply the baby wraps. If you are able we would love for you to help us out by sewing some wraps, details are below. 

  • Wraps need to be a minimum of 100cm x 100cm, our preferred size is 120cm x 120cm when finished;

  • They can be made from a single piece of soft cotton, muslin or flannelette;

  • The fabric does not need to be pre-washed;

  • They do not need to be β€˜backed’ or overlocked;

  • No fancy sewing is required, just a simple and clean hem around ΒΌ to Β½ inch all round is required;

  • Corners can be rounded or square;

  • The fabric colours need to be gender neutral (this is really important to assist with ease of distribution). We suggest the following colours: solid colours such as white, grey, mint, yellow, simple patterns such as animals, starts, stripes, etc;

  • If you are really clever you can ask your fabric store to cut your fabric to 125cm lengths (to take into account the hem) and very quickly hem up the edge to sew a wrap in under 10 minutes;

  • We need 34 wraps per month so we are not limiting how many each person can sew;

  • All sewn items can be posted to PO Box 1114, West Leederville, WA 6901. If you have bulk donations, please get in touch with us to arrange a time and place to drop off. 

  • Please include an e-mail address in your parcel so that we can send you an e-mail to say thank you and let you know your parcel arrived safely.

Thank you for your continued support. We couldn’t so this without the help of our wonderful sewers! 

With many thanks, 

Tiny Sparks WA

PS - If you are looking for different projects you can complete for us further information is available on our Knitting & Sewing page here.

Entertainment Books 2017

Full of totally amazing discounts the Entertainment Book is a must have! Never forget another voucher, and no need to lug around a heavy book, with the digital version it's all right there on your phone. It couldn't be easier to raise funds for Tiny Sparks and save your hip pocket at the same time! Please share with your friends so they don't miss out on this great opportunity.  20% of each membership sold is returned to Tiny Sparks WA to help us fund our ongoing programs.

Channel 9 - Matt & Kim to the Rescue

Co-founders Amber and Russell Bates had the surprise of a lifetime at channel 9 studios recently.  They had attended under the guise of an interview on prematurity and Tiny Sparks WA.  When the interview got underway Matt & Kim interrupted them to advise they were going to totally renovate the Bates family home.

Amber & Russell lived in a rundown 1950s beach shack together with their 4 children.  Their experiences with prematurity, developmental issues and cancer forced them to prioritise their childrens health and education ahead of living in a comfortable home.

In four short days their home was totally transformed!  Whilst renovations were underway the Bates family headed to Rottnest Island for the very first time, and enjoyed a much needed break.

For two years now Matt & Kim have been encouraging people to get involved and make a difference to others.  Many of their 'rescue volunteers' take holidays from their jobs to help give back to the local community.

Amber & Russell are just everyday Australians trying to help others during what is one of the most difficult times of their lives.  So moved by the work Tiny Sparks does IGA Community Chest were honoured to donate a whopping $20,000 towards their ongoing programs!

Ike from IGA presents an emotional Bates family with the cheque for Tiny Sparks WA.

Tiny Sparks WA wish to express their sincere thanks to Channel 9, Matt & Kim, Summit Homes, Landscapes WA, P&N Bank, RAC, Synergy, IGA and the countless other suppliers and volunteers who helped to change the lives of the Bates family and also propel Tiny Sparks WA into the future.

If you missed the show you can watch it back on the channel 9 website here.

Quiz Night 2017!

Tiny Sparks WA is pleased to present its third annual Quiz Night!  Special thanks goes to the Stirling Adriatic Centre for their generous sponsorship.  Please come and join us for a night of trivia fun to raise money for our support programs including Developmental Playgroup and the Neonatal Unit Care Package program.

Platters are available for purchase in advance, when buying a full table.  You are also welcome to BYO food.  Platters must be pre-ordered before the 10th of May.  Drinks will be available for purchase over the bar on the night, no BYO alcohol due to liquor licence.

Arrive at 7.15 for a 7.30pm start.  Make sure you bring along some gold coins to purchase raffle tickets and partake in the fun side games.

Tickets are available as a table of 8 or individual tickets can be purchased.  Please purchase your tickets through Trybooking by clicking the 'Buy Tickets' button below.

We are currently seeking donation items for table prizes, door prize and a raffle so we are keen to hear from any local businesses looking to get involved and help us make a difference.  Please contact Michelle on 0418 199 322 or e-mail for further information.

Please share in your networks and help us to make this our biggest Quiz Night yet!