We can’t do it without you

This past week we were contact by a family with a truly heartbreaking story. We can’t share their story with you, but they did pose a question we can share. ‘What would it take to ensure every family admitted to a Neonatal Unit receives a Care Package in WA each year?’

Each year around 4,500 babies are admitted to Neonatal Units in WA. To fund a Care Package for each of these families we need to raise $180,000 p/a.

We started this program back in 2014 and were delivering just 10 packages per month. The program has grown and grown and we are now delivering just over 100 packages per month but we need to see that number more than triple, so no family goes without!

Please help us, help more WA families by making a tax deductible donation. We can’t do it without you!
