Welcoming a baby into the world is an extraordinary experience in itself...however the arrival of a baby prematurely can make it utterly overwhelming! The BubBE Book has been created by Natasha Bowden, a Western Australian mother of a 23 weeker to provide a source of information, inspiration, guidance and hope for the family and friends of Bubs Born Early, otherwise known as BubBE's! The BubBE Book has been created to be a guiding hand along the Neonatal Intensive Care Unit (NICU) journey. It is essentially a 'baby book' for the premature child and their parents, in which all of the unique experiences that come with being born, or having a child, prematurely can be recorded.
Tiny Sparks WA have worked with Natasha and are excited to add this wonderful journal to our shop. We are very grateful that 20% of the sale price of these books through our website will be a donation to Tiny Sparks WA. A fantastic way to give back to our community. Thank you Natasha!
Natasha also has other BubBE items on her website www.BubBornEarly.com.au such as car window clings and stickers.