Research Opportunities

There is an enormous amount of research currently being undertaken in Australia relating to preterm birth. We have been contacted by a range of people requesting that we advertise their studies to our community. You’ll find all of the relevant details below.

Preemie PAPAs


Are you a preemie Dad?
Researchers from the Preemie PAPAs Project at The University of Queensland (Australia) are shining the light on the unique journeys faced by preemie Dads by investigating the well-being and parenting experiences of fathers of preemie children between 0 – 18 years of age. If you are a preemie father, please share your experiences with them here:

If you are interested in their work, you can also follow them on Facebook:

Researchers have official ethics approval (#2020000736). Please comment below or email if you have any questions or would like more information. 

Thank you!

The FAB Study


Is your preemie child 0-18 years old?

Researchers from The FAB Study at The University of Queensland (Australia) would love to hear from you! See their website to participate:

The FAB Study is taking a much-needed positive approach to understanding the family unit by exploring factors that promote resilience to stress following the birth of a preemie miracle. If you are interested in their work head to their website (link in their bio) or you can follow them on Facebook: 

Researchers have official ethics approval (#2020000734). Please comment below or email if you have any questions or would like more information. 

Thank you!

Executive functioning and everyday performance in school-age children born at term and preterm

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Are you the parent/caregiver of a 4- to -5-year- old?

Would you like to do an online survey about how you find life for them, and for you?

We are two Honours students studying Psychological Science at the University of Tasmania. We are inviting parents and caregivers of children born preterm (before 38 weeks) or at term (38 weeks or later), aged 4 to 5 years to complete an online, multiple-choice survey. It takes about 45 minutes to complete. 

We are interested in studying the experience for parents of looking after their children, as well as the effects of preterm birth. If you would like more information or are interested in participating in this study, please scan the QR code or copy the URL below to access the survey. 

Kind regards, Student researchers, Holly and Ellie.

The PICSI Study at Telethon Kids Institute

What's the study about?

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More than 15 million babies are born preterm each year. Those that survive face a lifetime of ongoing breathing problems and lung function that worsens through childhood. Some researchers have suggested that ongoing inflammation in the lungs might contribute to worsening lung function.

Our study aims to understand how inflammation in the lungs contributes to these ongoing breathing problems during childhood. We will also look at how the exhaled breath of preterm children is different to term children and test how treatment with an inhaled anti-inflammatory medicine changes the lung disease in preterm children.

Who can take part?

We're looking for children aged 6-12 years old, who were born very preterm (<32 weeks gestation) at King Edward Memorial Hospital. Download the Parent Information Sheet for children born preterm here.

We are also looking for healthy children aged 6-12 years old, who were born at term (>37 weeks gestation) and have no history of recurrent breathing problems. Download the Parent Information Sheet for children born at term here.

How can I find out more?

Contact Rhea Urs or Denby Evans on 0421 489 869 or by email at

Term 3 Developmental Playgroup Enrolments Open

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Following the suspension of Developmental Playgroup in Term 1 due to the COVID 19 pandemic we are pleased to now open enrolments for Term 3 with all necessary COVID safe protocols in place. Ability Centre look forward to welcoming everyone back!

Enrolment in our Developmental Playgroup is open to any child in WA aged 6m actual age to 3 years of age who was admitted to a Neonatal Unit after birth. Neonatal Unit admission can be for any reason including but not limited to premature birth, sick full term, or surgical requirements.

Our program has a strict wellness policy to ensure the safety and wellbeing of all participants.

Coffee Mornings are back!

We are so delighted to see further restrictions on gathering easing in Western Australia! It has been a difficult time for everyone during the COVID lockdown, and whilst we all enjoyed the COVID Connect sessions online we can't wait to get back to meeting face to face out in the community!

We welcome you to join us for a cuppa and a chat at our informal coffee morning on Monday July 6, from 10am at Mason Saint-Honore, 100 Benara Road, Caversham. Everyone welcome! We would love you to RSVP via our event page on Facebook so we know how many people to keep an eye out for.

This is an opportunity to get together to connect and chat about high-risk pregnancy, bedrest, the neonatal unit and the challenges our 'tiny sparks' face when growing up.


Entertainment Book

Entertainment Books are an incredible way to make a difference in your community. Right now businesses are facing massive challenges as they resume operations post COVID lockdown. Many of them will struggle and some sadly won’t make it. By purchasing an Entertainment Book you can raise funds for Tiny Sparks WA and support business while you are at it. Use your vouchers in your local community and make an even bigger impact.

We've joined the Stuck on You Crew

Are you in need of labels or personalised items? Look no further than Stuck on You! As you know we are funded via donation, grants and fundraising events. We’ve teamed up with Stuck on You as an Affiliate. That means if you shop through our link, not only will you get amazing service and products from Stuck on You, they will also make a small contribution to Tiny Sparks WA. As a 100% volunteer-run organisation every dollar makes a difference!