Entertainment Books are here!

Entertainment Books offer amazing discounts to restaurants, attractions, accommodation providers and more! Available as a digital download you can have the discounts at your finger tips wherever you go, but if you’d prefer a hard copy that’s fine too!

Not only will you enjoy the benefit of amazing discounts, you’ll be raising funds for Tiny Sparks WA, allowing us to continue to expand our programs, supporting more West Australian families, in 2019 and beyond.

Coffee Mornings May, June & July

Connecting Community.
Our monthly informal Coffee Mornings are a wonderful way to connect with the community. Each month we choose a new location to ensure as many people as possible are able to come to a gathering, not too far from home. Everyone is welcome to come along including parents, carers, extended family and Crafty Creators. Topics of discussion typically revolve around pregnancy, birth, the Neonatal Unit and the challenges that lay beyond.

RSVPing is not essential, but we do encourage you to do so via the Facebook event pages (click through the images below) so that we can keep an eye out for you. We welcome you to join us on:

  • 13 May, 10am, Zamia Cafe, May Drive, Kings Park

  • 17 June, 10am, Waldecks, 173 Wanneroo Road, Kingsley

  • 15 July, 10am, Slate Cafe, 12 Dulwich Street, Bennett Springs

If you have a cafe you love be sure to let us know and hopefully we can add it to our roster for later in the year!

We look forward to meeting more of you throughout 2019.


Care Packages for Bunbury

Some babies are admitted to Neonatal Units for several hours and some for many months. This has considerable impact on parents, siblings, extended family and staff, a true ripple effect.

Each baby is unique, each stay is unique but for most it is totally unexpected. Being separated from your baby isn’t what was planned. The babies admitted to Bunbury Regional Hospital Neonatal Unit generally stay 1 to 7 days. Their parents may be feeling overwhelmed and isolated during that time.

We are pleased to announce expansion of our Care Package Program to Bunbury Regional Hospital πŸŽ‰ With thanks to volunteer delivery driver Sharni, each month BRH Neonatal Unit will receive 30 β€˜Special Care Packs’ for distribution to babies admitted to their unit.

We are very conscious of expanding our programs in a sustainable way. It is thanks to the generosity of the community that we can continue to grow, and support more WA families each year.

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Holt Rock Hoedown

The Westfield Country Music Club host The Holt Rock Hoedown in April and October each year. Holt Rock is located approximately 400km east of Perth (about 4 1/2 hours drive) and the Hoedown is hosted at the Strother’s Shearing Shed. This is a great family friendly event! A lovely mix of country and city people coming together to camp and enjoy some country music. We are thrilled to have been chosen as beneficiaries of this event. We would love to see lots of our families there, especially those in the region.

You can contact Robin on 0438 922 943 for more information or message through their Facebook page which can be found https://www.facebook.com/holtrockhoedown/

Dust off your cowboy boots and hats and practice your β€˜yee-haw’!
