Quiz Night 2018

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We are really looking forward to our fourth annual Quiz Night once again being generously sponsored by the Stirling Adriatic Centre.  We would be delighted to have you along for an evening of trivia fun on Saturday July 21 at 7pm, Stirling Adriatic Centre, 78 Jones Street, Stirling.

Your attendance will help us raise much needed funds for the continuation of our programs in 2018 including Developmental Playgroup and our Neonatal Unit Care Package Program.  With approximately 4,000 babies admitted to neonatal units in WA each year, (that is about 11 babies everyday!) we need your help more than ever!

Tables of 8, or individual tickets can be purchased through Trybooking, by clicking the 'Buy Tickets' button.

You are welcome to BYO food to enjoy, but please no BYO drinks due to liquor licensing.  Drinks will be available at club prices from the bar throughout the evening.  Don't forget your gold coins to buy raffle tickets and partake in the fun side games.

We are currently seeking donations for table prizes, door prize and a raffle so we are keen to hear from any local businesses looking to get involved and help us make a difference.  Please contact Michelle on 0418 199 322 or e-mail admin@tinysparkswa.org.au to discuss.

Please share in your networks and help us make this our biggest Quiz Night yet!

HBF Run for a Reason 2018

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Walking, running or wheeling the streets of Perth could not be more fun with friends!  For the 5th year in a row we are inviting you to join us in the 2018 HBF Run for a Reason on May 27.  Whilst you are welcome to take part in any of the events on offer, several Board members will be meeting to walk with the prams and walkers (the final wave) and you are very welcome to join them!

By joining our team you directly help the families that we support.  As a volunteer run organisation all fundraising monies are returned to the WA community through our extensive programs.  Setting up a fundraising page via Everyday Hero is a wonderful way to make a difference.  All registered fundraisers who raise in excess of $50 will receive a thank you pack containing a Tiny Sparks hat and drink bottle.

To join our team follow these instructions:

Visit their website https://www.hbfrun.com.au and click ENTER NOW.



Search for the team TINY SPARKS WA which has already been registered.

Complete all of the registration steps.

Pay the entry fee.


Hop over to Everyday Hero, link your fundraising page to our team page https://hbfrun2018.everydayhero.com/au/tiny-sparks-wa and start fundraising!

Most importantly make sure you ask your friends and family to join you on the day, or to make a donation to support your efforts.

We look forward to seeing you there!

Christmas Giving Appeal

You may have seen our Christmas Giving Appeal launched in our Summer Newsletter on December 1st.  This Christmas please consider making a donation to Tiny Sparks WA.

When making a donation through our Christmas Giving page not only will you automatically receive a tax deductible receipt but we will also e-mail you a 'Donation Certificate' which you can choose to print and pop in a card or e-mail on as your Christmas gift.

This Christmas we are hoping to raise $3,000 all of which will be put towards supporting WA families in 2018.  As a 100% volunteer run organisation every dollar makes a difference!  We have some exciting plans and hope that you can help us achieve our dreams.

World Prematurity Day 2017

World Prematurity Day turned into an entire week of celebration and awareness raising for us!


A huge thank you to CBHS Health Fund who kicked off our week with morning tea at Bankwest Place.

Hundreds of candle packs were put together for distribution through our hospital network to encourage people to 'light it up purple' at 7pm on World Prematurity Day to create a wave of purple light around the globe.

A snack basket was delivered to Fiona Stanley Hospital for their parent lounge along with their candle packs.


Co-founder's Amber and Madalyn together with Sacha, Rebecca, Joslyn, Imogen, Xavier and Adison attended the King Edward Memorial Hospital social work morning tea where we met a huge number of recent neonatal unit graduates.


We were honoured to have the support of Her Excellency the Honourable Kerry Sanderson AC who wore purple and Tweeted to raise awareness of the critical issue of premature birth.

The final event of the week was the much anticipated White Collar Boxing fight night #10 'Fight Like a Premmie' held at Crown Pyramid.  More than 1,000 people came together to cheer on the boxers who gave their all.  So wonderful to see Dad Premo win his closely fought bout!

Some amazing businesses were behind the night and we wish to thank:

Ringside Boxing and Fitness

Travel Key & Festival Travel

Gobsmacked Mouthguards

Panchos Mexican Restaurant

Crown Pyramid

J Group Electrical

Kennards Hire

Killarney Autos

Galaxy Doors & Windows

Olistan Consulting

Dale Signs


We are delighted to announce that the event raised $3,500 for Tiny Sparks WA and a further $3,500 for Women & Infants Research Foundation.  Here are Donna and Darren from Ringside presenting the cheques to Amber.

All over Perth purple lights were shining brightly all night.  We are very grateful for support from the City of Perth, the Bell Tower and the Metropolitan Redevelopment Authority for turning many of Perth's landmarks purple.


WA your support was yet again astounding!  Many individuals and businesses held events throughout November as part of 'tiny bites for tiny sparks' raising awareness and much needed funds.  We are grateful for each and everyone of you for your support and look forward to making a bigger impact in 2018.