Thanks Caleb!

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Like almost 4,000 other babies born in 2014 Caleb started his life in the neonatal unit, born at just 27 weeks gestation.  He recently celebrated his third birthday by raising a whopping $761.67 for Tiny Sparks WA, what a super effort for someone so young!  Happy Birthday Caleb!  You can check out his Everyday Hero fundraising page here.

We are so grateful to Caleb and his family and friends.  19 care packages are now on their way to neonatal units in Perth with Caleb's personal message.

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You too can join Caleb in making a difference to WA families who's baby's are starting life in the neonatal unit by sponsoring a care package or creating your very own Everyday Hero Fundraising page and choosing to support Tiny Sparks WA.

Developmental Playgroup Term 4 2017

Tiny Sparks WA  is pleased to open enrolments for our 'Developmental Play Group' for Term 4, 2017.

Who: Children 6 months to 36 months

When: Wednesdays 10:15 am - 11:45 am

Where:  Meerilinga Children and Family Centre Cockburn

Dates: 11 October | 25 October | 8 November | 22 November | 6 December

Cost: $45 per term

What: Physiotherapy, Speech Pathology and Occupational Therapy visiting at every session on a rotational basis. An opportunity for children to be monitored within a small group setting and for parents who have experienced similar journeys to meet in a safe environment with a strict wellness policies.  Places are limited to 12. Acceptance of enrolment is first in first served.

Christmas 2017 Quilters Needed

We are looking to provide 210 Christmas quilts to 20 neonatal nurseries right across Western Australia and need your help!

Jill of Patchwork Place in Albany has kindly designed a pattern for us to share with our sewers and hope that they might join them in creating some beautiful memories. You can download the instructions here, or find them below.

You can post items to Tiny Sparks WA, PO Box 1114, West Leederville WA 6901.  We are working to provide a NOR and SOR drop off location.  Please e-mail for the addresses.

We would appreciate if all quilts could be sent in by the 1st of December to allow us time to distribute state wide before Christmas.

Christmas Quilts for Tiny Sparks WA


Size 16" x 24"
41 cm x 61 cm


Piece backing approx. 18" x 26"  (45cm x 65 cm) - white or cream
Piece 100% cotton light weight batting/wadding same size as backing piece.
Small amounts of Christmas coloured fabrics.


Any basic 4"  or  8" block pattern

No borders.
Keep blocks simple.
Avoid using yellow or gold.
Use conventional quilt binding or a commercial satin or pre-made binding or finish by “bagging” then turning through to right side. Top stitch around edge if using last method.
100% cotton fabrics (though not essential) are easier to work with.

A - Basic 4" Block - Total of 24 squares cut 4 ½" x 4 ½ "  in Christmas colours

  1. Arrange design into 6 rows of 4
  2. Join together into rows with ¼ " seam.
  3. Press seams in row 1 to the right, in row 2 to the left, row 3 to the right etc
  4. Join the rows together.
Basic 4" Block - 2 alternative designs

Basic 4" Block - 2 alternative designs


B - Basic 8" Block - Cut 6 squares 8 ½" x 8 ½ "in at least 2 Christmas colours.

  1. Sew into 3 rows of 2.
  2. Press seams in alternating directions then join rows together.
Basic 8" Block

Basic 8" Block


Finishing Quilts

  1. Lay the backing right sides down, place the wadding on top and finally the pieced top right sides up. Pin together and quilt.
  2. Prepare binding by joining the 2 bits end to end with a mitred (angled) seam.
  3. Press in half lengthways. Sew onto the right side of the quilt having ALL raw edges level. Mitre the corners as you sew.
  4. Trim off the excess from the edges.
  5. Handstitch the folded edge of binding over onto the back of the quilt.

Finished Quilt created by Jill of Patchwork Place, Albany

Father's Day 2017

Thanks to the support of our community we were able to distribute 210 gifts across 20 neonatal units state wide for Father's Day.  We know from the feedback we have received over the past 4 years that these special occasion gifts really go make a difference to a parents connection with their baby in the neonatal unit.

We designed cards especially for our neonate Dads so they can treasure their baby's tiny footprints created with love by their neonatal nurses. We also included a small gift to let them know that they are not alone, and the Tiny Sparks WA community is here to support them and their family.

Cards for Dad's in neonatal units.


Keyring gifts.

Mail out for our regional hospitals.

Mail out for our regional hospitals.

Heading to the post office.

Heading to the post office.

World Prematurity Day | Fight Like a Premmie at Crown Pyramid

Dad Premo has been inspired by his twins after watching them fight for life in the neonatal unit for more than 100 days.  He is jumping in the ring on World Prematurity Day, November 17 to Fight Like a Premmie in White Collar Boxing's 10th charity fight night.  This is an event not to be missed!  Tickets on sale soon, please share with your friends.