World Prematurity Day 2016

We would be delighted if you would like to support us by hosting a morning tea or high tea for World Prematurity Day 2016! Bring out the finger sandwiches, delicate patisseries, the pearls and stylish outfits to create a memorable event for you and your guests. You can choose your own location, whether it be hosting at your home, workplace, local park or cafe. The official date for World Prematurity Day is the 17th November 2016, but you are welcome to host your morning tea or high tea anytime during November.

Your contribution helps us to continue to raise awareness, educate and support Western Australian families experiencing the trauma of a high-risk pregnancy, their neonatal journey and growing up.

Once registered we will supply you with your own Event Hosting Kit. This will include:

  • downloadable posters
  • downloadable invitations
  • link to set up an online fundraising page if that is your preferred option, or a receipt sheet for cash donations

On conclusion of your event please contact our admin team and we can advise you the best way to forward the funds raised.  If you would like any further support or have any queries, please don't hesitate to email us at

On World Prematurity Day, the 17th November, we would love you to post photos to our Facebook page, instagram, twitter or pinterest and hashtag #tinysparkswa and #worldprematurityday2016.

Fundraising Ideas

  • Ask your guests for a gold coin donation
  • Hold a raffle of goods or services donated by a local business.
  • Ask a local patisserie or bakery to donate delicacies or provide at a discounted rate.
  • If held at your workplace, ask your company to match donations.
  • Have a cover charge for your event.
  • If guests want a tax deductible receipt for their donations, please forward their details to us and we will send out a tax receipt. Otherwise, they can donate directly here.

Term 4 Developmental Playgroup - Enrolments now open

Tiny Sparks WA  is pleased to open enrolments for our 'Developmental Play Group' in Term 4, 2016.

WhoChildren 8 months to 36 months

When: Wednesdays 10:15 am - 11:45 am

Dates: 26th Oct, 2nd Nov, 16th Nov, 30th Nov, 14th Dec
(Note the term starts in week 3 rather than week 2 as Meerilinga has an open day on Wednesday week 2)

Cost: $45 per term

WhatPhysiotherapy, Speech Pathology and Occupational Therapy visiting at every session on a rotational basis. An opportunity for children to be monitored within a small group setting and for parents who have experienced similar journeys to meet in a safe environment with strict wellness policies.

Places are limited to 12. Acceptance of enrolment is first in first served.

Update: Enrolments are now closed.

2016 Christmas Quilt Project

We are thrilled to announce our 2016 Christmas Quilt Project. This year we will be distributing Christmas Stockings to babies in the Neonatal Intensive Care Unit and Special Care Nursery in hospitals throughout WA.

We are grateful to Amy Smart who blogs at Dairy of a Quilter in providing permission for us to use her 'Easy Quilted Stocking Tutorial'. You can find the instructions to make your Christmas Quilt here.

Last year we were overwhelmed by the generosity of the public, we had donations from all over the country and stopped counting Christmas Quilts when we reached 1000! Please don’t let that deter you as the more we receive, the more we can distribute!

We have set out the guidelines below to assist everyone in the administration of the project. Tiny Sparks WA is completely volunteer run and most of have children and work so we’d be really grateful if you could please read this information carefully before contacting us.


  1. Can I deviate from the instructions/patterns/specifications? – No, we ask that you follow the instructions carefully. They have been set out for a reason. The hospitals have very specific guidelines about what can be around the babies in the NICU and SCN.
  2. What material should I use? – 100% cotton (or very close please). No flannel.
  3. Should I prewash the material? – Either way is fine please.
  4. What cotton should I use? - Cotton or poly/cotton blend is fine.
  5. What designs can the material have? – Anything that is in the Christmas spirit, please make sure the design is child appropriate.
  6. Can I add a personal touch to the stocking? – Yes! Embroidery and applique is fine.
  7. Can I add my name, sewing tag to the stocking? – Yes, we just ask that you keep it small.  
  8. Can I contact you to make some other arrangements? Given the volume of donations we handle we cannot make individual arrangements.
  9. Will I get a personalised response about my donation? We will attempt to acknowledge all donations sent in, although are only able to do so if you provide us with your name and email address clearly written inside your donated quilt project package. We are unable to post a response due to limited resources. Please allow for up to a month for us to acknowledge any items posted or hand delivered.
  10. How many stockings can I make? – We would prefer that each person make no more than 10 stockings each.
  11. Do you need Christmas Quilts for 2016? – No, we have some reserved from last year which will be distributed along with the Christmas Stockings.
  12. What else can I sew for you? – We need sewers and knitters all year round. If you’d like to help further, please see the details here.

When and how can I get my donation to you?

  1. We ask that all donations are received to us by 30 November 2016. This will enable us time to sort and send out donations state wide in advance of the Christmas postal rush. Any donations received after this time will be put aside for next year.
  2. You can post your Christmas Stocking to us at:
    Tiny Sparks WA, PO Box 1114, West Leederville WA 6901.
  3. Please note that any old addresses that you may have are no longer suitable for donations.

If you have a question that has not been answered in the above, please email us at It may take us 48 – 72 hours to respond to you. 

Volunteering Busy Bee

Tiny Sparks WA invites you to our 'Volunteering Busy Bee', where just one or two hours of your time could make a lasting impact to a family embarking on a difficult and uncertain journey. Various activities associated with our Care Package and gifts programmes will be the focus of our morning; we look forward to seeing you!

Morning tea will be provided for our generous volunteers and the Busy Bee can also be utilised as a drop-off point for donated items (e.g. knitted/Sewn items). For catering and venue capcity requirements it would be appreciated if you could register your interest via this link.

Activtieis include:
- Packaging of Mothers' Day Gifts
- Assembling Care Packages
- Packaging inkless hand & foot print kits
- Cutting donated fabrics to size
and more!