
Volunteer April Ratajczak blogs for us

Ever since becoming a mum, I take a lot of pictures.  I cannot put emphasis on "a lot" enough.  One reason is I am an expat, so all of my family and friends back home don't have the luxury of stopping by for a visit to see Emily themselves.  The other part?  Pure obsession with my daughter.  I find myself, especially at the end of really hard or trying days (hey, this toddler stage is hard work!), laying in bed flipping through and looking at photos and videos of Emily from a few months ago, asking myself "how has time passed SO quickly?".  I also am in total awe and amazement of how far our little 29 weeker has come.  

I was recently emailing a photo of Emily to someone from the NICU.  I opened up the file on the computer with all the NICU pictures.... a file that I haven't opened in ages... months easily.  When suddenly I found heaps of pictures I had forgotten, until that moment, that I had taken.  While in each nursery, I took photos of our surroundings.  I wanted to be able to show Emily one day different steps of her journey in the NICU.  The equipment, the monitors, and even small things like the furniture.  At the time, all I saw was exactly what they were.  Now, looking back, I see so much more in those pictures.


The chair's that were used during Kangaroo Care at the time were simply a chair.  A piece of furniture.   Now when I see this picture, I suddenly remember countless moments between Emily and me. Once she was able to be held, nearly every day (except when she was in isolation or I was sick) we hand bonding moments in these chairs.  I told countless stories, and when nobody was around would quietly sing or hum a tune. This was where I sat and held her for hours the day she needed a blood transfusion, because the only thing that settled her was a cuddle and her dummy.  Most weekdays, this chair is where we were when my husband came for his visit after work (and his cuddle as well).  These are the chairs I was sitting in the day the doctors told me about Emily's heart condition.  When I look at these chairs, I can't help but think of the countless memories each one of them holds.  It's now to me, so much more than a piece of furniture, and I bet anyone reading this who spent time at King Edward instantly had a memory of their own from this picture.


This was the first nursery and bay Emily was in.  (This was after she was out of the incubator... I didn't take surrounding pictures until a few weeks into our journey).  At the time, this seemed a little like our prison cell, and we were prisoners not only to the hospital and our bay, but also the monitors.   Now I look at it, and I see so much.  This is where I got to see my daughter for the first time after delivery.  This was where we learned to do cares and change our first nappy.  This is where we met nurses who became our second family.  Do you notice the cute name tag hung up that says "Emily"?  One of those beloved nurses' daughter made that for us, her other daughter made one that was also on her cot during our stay, and a third that was brought home and put on her bedroom door.  It still hangs there to this day.  This is where we watched Emily progress and fight, and one at a time, pieces of equipment disappeared as Emily improved.  This wasn't our prison.  This was our home and the beginning of our family.  No, it was not what we envisioned or had hoped for.  Who hopes for a premature birth and NICU stay afterall?  But this was OUR family's start.



For 11 weeks and 5 days, this was simply Emily's chart.  After washing our hands and saying good morning to Emily, this was our next stop... to read how she had done over night.  I look now and the first thing I see, especially as a NICU parent, is the red, but not in the same way that I viewed it before.  At the time, red marks meant we weren't going home anytime soon.  That was especially true towards the end.  For those who don't know, you can have NO RED on your chart for 48 hours to be able to go home.  Many NICU parents become anxious about that red pen.  Now, when I see pictures of Emily's chart, all the red just makes me even more proud of everything that she had to overcome during her journey in the NICU.  Every bit of red pen is a battle our Emily fought and won.  

(As a side note, I loved how some nurses would draw flowers or hearts next to her name.. as a parent, such a personal touch to see in the morning when we arrived!)


                               "It's a rough life in the NICU, but someone has to do it!"                      &nb…

                               "It's a rough life in the NICU, but someone has to do it!"  
                                                                   (Emily relaxing)

I encourage parents who are currently on their NICU Journey to take pictures.  One day you will look back and you will see so much more than what your eyes saw the moment you took that picture.   I encourage NICU graduate parents to have a look at a couple of pictures (if you are able) and see if you too can see so much more than you realised.  

Workshop: Going Home after a Neonatal Unit Stay

Taking your baby home after a stay in a Neonatal Unit can be very different to taking your baby home after the birth of a healthy newborn. Whilst both can be a challenging experience for parents, taking your baby home after weeks or months in a Neonatal Unit comes with a unique set of considerations. Many parents have these types of questions:

How can I help protect my baby from germs?
I'm afraid to let other people hold my baby - how do I deal with visitors?
What do I tell people when they ask me how old my baby is?
What happens when I return to KEMH or PMH for appointments? Will we be in a waiting room with sick children?
I'm nervous about having my baby home without monitors. How can I reassure myself? Do I need to buy a breathing monitor?
How long will by baby be followed up for?

This forum style workshop will discuss these issues and allow you an opportunity to ask questions, or discuss, any concerns you have surrounding taking your baby home. The workshop is open to all parents who currently have a baby in a Neonatal Unit in WA or have taken a baby home after a stay in a Neonatal Unit in recent months.

All attendees will receive a FREE gift bag on the night containing items useful for going home, including a bulk pack of Aqium hand sanitiser kindly donated by Ego Pharmaceuticals and nappy samples donated by BabyLove and much more.

We look forward to seeing you there!

EDIT: Registrations are now closed.

Volunteering Busy Bee

Tiny Sparks WA invites you to our 'Volunteering Busy Bee', where just a couple of hours of your time could make a lasting impact to a family embarking on a difficult and uncertain journey. Various activities associated with our Care Package and Christmas gifts programmes will be the focus of our morning; we look forward to seeing you!

Morning tea will be provided for our generous volunteers and the Busy Bee can also be utilised as a drop-off point for donated items (e.g. Christmas quilts or knitted/Sewn items). 

Christmas Gifts

This year Tiny Sparks WA is expanding its Christmas Gift program to include all participating regional centres. In addition to our Christmas quilts, we have over 200 custom made Christmas ornaments, lovingly donated by local business Foote and Flame to individually wrap, we'd love your help to do so!

Care Packages

Our Neonatal Unit and Bed Rest Care Package programmes provide a significant contribution to families with a baby in a Neonatal Unit or enduring a high risk pregnancy. Many hands will make light work of our ever expanding programmes, with activities including:

  • Packing of Bed Rest Care Packages;
  • Assembly of 'Neonatal Unit Milestone Card' sets;
  • Packing of 'Perth & District Multiple Birth Association' Multiple Arrivals supplement packs; and
  • Other miscellaneous tasks.

Knitting, Sewing, Quilting

Christine, our knitting & sewing coordinator, will be at the Busy Bee and welcomes all volunteer knitters, sewers and quilters who wish to deliver items in person to come down on the morning. Other related activities include:

  • Cutting donated fabrics to size for distribution;
  • Attaching snaps / fasteners to Neonatal gowns; and
  • Collecting of cut to size fabrics for sewing of additional Neonatal gowns.

If you would like to help with any of the above and can spare your time, we would love to see you! Come down and enjoy some morning tea whilst making a difference. 

Thank you so much and we are looking forward to seeing you there!

The Big Picnic 2015

Bring your family, bring your friends and come along to The Big Picnic.  We can think of no better way to finish off our second great year supporting WA families than to celebrate with them!

Make your way to Neil McDougall Park, Como on Sunday December 6 between 9.30am and 12noon to join in a morning of fun, games and entertainment.  Bring your own picnic and don't forget to slip, slop, slap!  Everyone is welcome, tell all your friends.  We look forward to seeing you there!

UPDATE: Registrations are now closed.

To keep our overheads down where possible we use freely available graphics.  Thanks to Freepik for images found in our flyer.

Workshop - What on earth is a Doula and why would we choose to have one?

We are pleased to welcome Doula and Childbirth Educator Cath Cook to present our next workshop.

Cath has worked as a Doula and Childbirth Educator for over 9 years. She is a long-term member of Australian Doulas and has been training new Doulas in Western Australia for the past 6 years. She is also a co-founder of DadSkills, online childbirth education for men.

Although awareness of Doulas and their services is increasing, still many couples wonder, 'What is a Doula and why would we need one?'

Pregnancy and birth is something we experience maybe only once, twice or a few times in our lives.  In our busy medical system, care providers have a limited amount of time they can spend with couples and their focus is often on the physical wellbeing of mother and baby.  Of course this is extremely important, but there is so much more to the experience of pregnancy and birth and this is where a Doula can come in.

Cath will talk with you about the role of the Doula and the benefits a Doula can bring to both mothers and fathers, particularly if the circumstances surrounding the birth of your previous child/ren were not what you had hoped or imagined they would be.

This free workshop will be held in Subiaco on Tuesday the 10th of November at 7pm.  Our workshops are conducted in a relaxed environment and open to all families and carers affected by high-risk pregnancy, premature birth or having a sick newborn.  

UPDATE: Registrations have now closed.